Thursday, March 29, 2012


I bet everyone could list at least 10 different things they are waiting for at this present moment, from the smallest thing to waiting for a bus to something as intense as waiting for a child or a spouse etc. The list is incredibly long and personal to each individual.
Why is waiting so hard and why is it so easy to despise the waiting time?
The story and faith of Hannah really encourages me and is a great example of waiting. Married to the love of her life, Hannah was desperately eager to add to her family as she waited to have a child. Not only did she have to endure the pain of waiting on this miracle but she also had to undergo the constant mocking and chastisement from Peninnah.
I can not imagine what Hannah went through, but she did NOT stop waiting, she did not stop trusting, she did not stop praying and pouring out her heart to the one who knew it all- her Father!
The Lord Remembered her!!!! Her waiting was not in vain and at the proper time she gave birth to an amazing son. The birth of Samuel was right on time, he was born in a time when Eli’s sons were not doing what they should have been and in a time when the Philistines were vehemently overtaking Israelite land. The Israelites needed a man of God who would intercede for them and remind them of the amazing God they served!
Hannahs faith and waiting was not in vain she learnt to trust and rely on God more and the promise was not too late but in God’s perfect timing!!!
My prayer as we wait on him is that we will not despise the waiting time and the opportunity to learn and draw closer to him. Also to really trust that his timing is more amazing then we could imagine!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nothing BUT A Number!

On my way home from prayer last week I was thinking just a few more months of enjoying life in the 20’s, how a decade or two flies by.... After battling all the things and plans I had envisioned for such an age I have come to the conclusion that the prospect of turning 30 really is nothing BUT a number!!! However it is incredibly tempting to get caught up with where Society & the Masses think I should be or what I should have attained etc, and I know personally their are many things I thought I would have accomplished, seen and experienced by now.
Is there really a scale one can measure their life by? I know everyone has their own scale and expectations, however I know I am NOT living for everyone else. Each path is hand crafted by the maker, and He has the perfect plan, NOT me!! So day by day I continue to trust that I am where He would have me, the one who knit me together in my mothers womb, the one who opens doors and closes them. The one who makes a way when their seems to be no way! The one with whom a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day. So instead of counting down my days, or reliving what should have been, I choose to embrace each one and know that with him each day can only get better. Moving forward in HIM, for HIM and with HIM!!!